Document Actions Overview

In this section we’ll talk about how to work with the icons on the Actions Menu. To review, the following are the list of icons you may see in the Actions Menu. Your list may vary depending on your permissions.

Document Actions

Icon Description
Reload Reload - Reloads the page currently displayed
Audit Log

Audit Log – Displays the complete history of the highlighted document and the loan as a whole

Audit Log Viewer

Document Compare Document Compare - Launches the Document Compare feature in a new window
Upload Upload – Opens the upload screen for the loan in question
Download Download – Downloads a .pdf or .tif file for saving
Print Print – Opens doc as a .pdf for printing
Generate Barcode Sheets Generate Barcode Sheets – opens the sheet generator for this loan
Bundle Bundle – Opens the bundle send page for this loan.  This feature allows you to export entire loans to a third party, such as an investor, MI company, etc. 
Email Document Email Document –  Emails a document
Quick Message Quick Message – Send an email to another user calling for action on the loan
Delete Delete – Deletes the highlighted document