Integration Settings

These settings deal with the different types of integrations available to XDOC. They include LOS integrations, Document Stack Security settings, as well as API settings for Document Add and Document Update events.

Container Provider, Data Provider and Other Providers – These settings relate to the LOS-specific integrations. These settings are used in conjunction with information from the axSystemConfig.xml file and should not be changed without first consulting XDOC Integration Support. 

Field Description
Container Provider  
Default Identity User the container provider runs for backend workflow tasks. This user is normally one who has at least read-only access to all LOS loans
Provider Class Class that implements the Container Provider
Provider Profile Profile to use for the Container Provider
Provider Auth Additional authentication information specific to the Provider
Provider Config Additional information specific to the Provider
Data Provider  
Provider Class Class that implements the external data provider
Provider Profile Profile to use for the external data provider
Provider Auth Additional authentication information specific to the Provider
Provider Config Additional information specific to the Provider
Other Providers  
Template Provider Class For future use


Container Security Resolver and Container Security Matcher - These fields are used for configuring Document Stack Security. Container Security Resolver determines if you want to use this kind of security and Container Security Matcher asks what attribute to match on, which in almost all cases should be the loan stage. For the full instructions on how to use this section for Document Stack Security, please see that section later in this document. 

Field Value
Container Security Resolver  
Implementing Class Class that implements the security resolver
Configuration Profile The configuration profile, if any, for the resolver
Use Security Matcher If Yes, uses the security resolver to evaluate permissions
Check Container Fields If Yes, uses the container security attributes, if they exist
Check Container Last Applies container info security attributes after other checks
Configuration Info Custom configuration info, usually in JSON format
Container Security Matcher  
Implementing Class Class that implements the security matcher
Configuration Profile The configuration profile, if any, for the matcher
Match Field Expression Will almost always be "LoanStage" or a tokenized expression of the matching field
Match field Label Will almost always be "Loan Stage."   This is the label for the match field expression. 
Configuration Info Custom configuration info, usually in JSON format



Document Add Events and Document Update Events – These items relate directly to the XDOC API. The XDOC API has the capability of publishing Document Add and Document Update events. All of these events are published to the URL endpoint that you specify to incorporate into your workflow. Document Add events capture information when a new document is added to a loan, such as the loan number, document type, document field information, user who entered the doc, date/time, etc. Document Update events include document deletions, moves, update of document type and fields, etc. Since the configuration options are the same for both methods, the field definitions will only be listed once below. 

Field Description
Enable Notifications Enable notifications to the URL endpoint.
Provider Type Supported notification type. Currently only Web Service (Http Simple Service)
Other Provider Class Custom class implementing XDOC workflow interface: IWorkUnitProcessorProxy. For custom implementations developed by Axacore Professional Services.
Provider Profile Allows specification of advanced HTTP Web Request connection properties via the XDOC axSystemConfig.xml file. Generally not used.
Provider Address URL Endpoint of the Http Service. Either fully qualified (http, https), or website relative path if the URL endpoint resides underneath the XDOC website.
Provider Method Specific to the Endpoint being invoked. Appended to the provider address via query string parameter: Method (e.g. "Add")
Execution Scope Specific to the Endpoint being invoked. Appended to the provider address via query string parameter: MethodScope
Provider Config Additional configuration info