Application Branding

You can re-brand the XDOC website with your own company or product logo in this section.  All images must be base64 encoded.  You can base64 encode these images in the Utils tab of the XDOC Admin.  Utils Tab>String and Encoding>Base-64 Encode



Option Value
Application Name The name of the application
Application Title The name of the application that can show up on the logon page
UI Tab Title This is the name that will show up on the browser tab when the application is open
UI Header Display Choose between app/dock logos or app/dock titles
Logon Title Display On the logon screen, the title of the application.  Choose between Logon Logo or Application Title
Application Logo Logo for the application you will see in most screens.  The main ap header
Win Head Logo Logo for any page, mainly the viewer, that is launched from the search results
Logon Logo The logo that appears on the logon page
UI Custome CSS Any custom CSS that you want to use goes here.  Please see Customer Support for more information.