Extended Token Syntax Examples

Example Description Token Definition
Date Mask Display the current date in the format: yyyyMMdd. $$UTIL.dateTime|date|yyyyMMdd$$
DateTime Mask Display the current date and time. $$UTIL.dateTime|date|yyyyMMddHHmmss$$
UTC / XML Date Display the current date in UTC / XML / Webservice format. $$UTIL.dateTime|date|yyyyMMddTHHmmss$$
Number Format Format a number forcing leading zeroes. $$CONTAINER.loanNumber|number|000,000,000.00$$
String Pad Left Pad a loan number with * to 10 digits. $$CONTAINER.loanNumber|string|padleft:10:*$$
String uppercase and alpha Convert a string to uppercase and alpha only. $$UTIL.guid|string|uppercase,alpha$$