S1. Loan Object Attributes

The table below shows the additional Loan Object Attributes that are needed by XDOC for Mortgage specific document processing. These Scope Specific column in the table corresponds to the Scope attribute of the IContainerProvider interface and related Service Methods that return Container objects. A blank value in the column indicates that the attribute is needed by all Method calls regardless of Scope.

Since the entire attribute list is fairly minimal, Container Provider implementations in general can probably ignore the Scope attribute, and just return all the attributes in every Method call.

Attribute Required Data Type Notes Scope Specific
loanNumber Yes String
loanAmount Yes Number
loanStage Yes String Internal Value.
loanStageLabel Yes* String Display Label.* Only needed if different from the internal value.
loanType String Internal Value.
loanTypeLabel * String Display Label.* Only needed if different from the internal value.
loanPurpose String Internal Value.
loanPurposeLabel * String Display Label.* Only needed if different from the internal value.
borrowerLastName Yes String The main primary borrower.
borrowerFirstName Yes String
borrowerName Yes String Concatenation of first and last name.
borrowerPhone String
borrowerEmail String
propertyStreet Yes String Address number and street.
propertyCity Yes String
propertyState Yes String
propertyZip Yes String
propertyAddress Yes String Full property address on a single line E.g.: Street, city, state, zip.
submittedDate Yes Date (UTC) Original submission date. eDelivery
approvedDate Date (UTC)
fundedDate Date (UTC)
cancelledDate Date (UTC)
closeDate Date (UTC) Date the loan was closed or cancelled. archive
lockExpiration Date (UTC) Required by Chase electronic delivery. eDelivery
lockExpirationDate Date (UTC) Required by Chase electronic delivery. eDelivery
investorLoanNumber String Required by Wells Fargo. eDelivery
investorLoanState String Required by Wells Fargo. eDelivery
investorCommitmentNumber String Required by Wells Fargo. eDelivery