Workflow Processing

The Workflow settings page contains document workflow control items for barcoding, Form Identification, and well as document processing rules. 

Document Secondary Ids  - These are used or document providers you cannot provide different document codes for initial disclosures and closing docs.  This feature enables a setting in the document upload, print client, and file upload gateway that tells XDOC to map the barcodes to the "Secondary Ids" field in the Document Definitions

Field  Value
Enable Secondary Alt Ids Set to "yes" to enable this feature
UI Input Field Label The label of this field to users better understand what this option does
Show in File Upload Show this option in the File Upload section 
Show in Gateway Editor Show this option setting in the File Upload Gateway


Document Processing - Basic workflow settings related to indexing/splitting documents

Document Processing Value
Document Split Delete Rule You can "always retain original doc" or "delete original doc split pages." The best practice would be to delete split pages
File Room Field Check  If no, when indexing files from the File Room, XDOC will not stop indexing if required fields are not present. This is especially helpful for preventing barcoded docs from getting stuck in the File Room


Form ID Processing - This setting are for the upcoming document classification/form identification release of XDOC.  It describes the maximum amount of pages that come in at one time that will go through this workflow process.  



Barcode Processing - These settings describe how XDOC will process


Barcode Processing Value
Barcode Read Max Pages Maximum number of pages allowed for barcode recognition, per file.  There is a new setting called "unlimited" which is recommended 
Upload Doc Type Conflict  
When uploading documents, if a user chooses a document type where some pages already have document type barcodes, this setting will tell XDOC how to handle this conflict. The Choices are:
  • Apply upload type to all pages in the file: XDOC will assign all pages to the type specified in the upload screen regardless of what information is in the barcode
  • Apply upload type to all orphan pages: XDOC will assign all pages that don’t have a doc type barcode to the doc type specified during upload
  • Apply upload type to leading orphan pages: XDOC will only assign the leading orphan pages to the doc type specified during upload.
Unknown Page Handling Indicates how to process extra pages in the file that are not identified with barcode data
Unknown Doc Default Schema If unknown page handling is set to create documents, this indicates the document schema to use. If blank, the project level unfiled schema will be used.




Barcode Parse Fields - These fields determine the required format for information in a barcode, different ways to read barcode information as well as workflow rules for barcode reading. Default Value fields come from the same page in the System Tab

Barcode Parse Fields Value
Fields Separator Barcode data field separator for multi-field barcodes
Field / Value Separator Barcode name/value separator
Separator Page Field Barcode data field name used to indicate page is a separator page.
Container Value Barcode value for the document container, which could be the internal ID or the loan number. Mostly it's the Loan Number
Container Key Barcode value for the document, internal system ID.
Container Ref Barcode value for the loan number
Document Index Barcode data field for the index of the document in the file. (e.g. the 3rd document in the entire file)
Document Schema Barcode value for the Document Definition (Document Type)
Document Page Count Field Barcode data field name used to indicate document page count of the entire document
Document Page Index Field Barcode data field for the index if the page within the document
File Page Index Field Barcode data field for the index of the page within the entire file
Page Code Field Barcode identifier for the page code (used for one custom integration only)



Barcode Parse Regex - A Regex is a Regular Expression, a way of translating custom barcode information into a format that XDOC can recognize and use.  There may be some vendors who cannot provide barcode data in the XDOC format, so we can use a regular expression to translate data to the XDOC format.  Please see XDOC Customer Support if you would like us to 


Barcode Regex Value
Barcode Expressions Regular expressions to apply to barcode data for parsing container, document type, and fields. Enter one expression per line following match groups: container, containerKey, containerRef, documentType, docPageCount, and separator.
Page Code Expressions Regular expressions that apply to barcode data for parting page code specific barcodes. Enter one expression per line with the following match groups: pageCode, pageCodeDocType, pageCodePageNbr



Barcode Batch Field Parsing and Barcode Read Types – These items are for barcode defaults for batch processing, something not normally used in mortgage loan processing


Batch Parse Fields Value
Batch Code Field for the Batch Code
Batch Name Field for the Batch Name
Batch Source Field for the Batch Source
Batch Ref Field for the Batch Reference



Barcode Read Types - The types of barcodes that XDOC can read.  XDOC can read both pdf417 and datamatrix barcodes.  These should always both be set to "yes."