General Settings

These settings define general project defaults for the project. These settings relate to a project-wide default document schema, email notification defaults, document store defaults, as well as defaults for any help topics 

Field Description
Email Sender Identity  
Notification Sender Email For email notifications, the information that gets put in the "From" box in the email
Notication Sender Name For new documenty arrival email notifications, the Name" field the email is coming from
Quick Msg Sender Email For Quick Message emails, the "From" email address
Quick Msg Sender Name For Quick Message emails, the "From" name
Delivery Sender Email For emailing documets from the viewer, the "From" email address
Delivery Sender Name For emailing documets from the viewer, the "From" email address
Notification Templates  
Doc Arrival Notify Template The email notification template used for new documents entered for a loan
File Receive Notify Template The email notification template used for File Upload Gateway document arrivals
Fax Receive Notify Template The notification template used for fax integrations
Document Stores  
Inbox Document Store The current repository for new documents coming into XDOC.
Bundle Document Store The document store for all sent bundles.