Notification Settings


Notification Settings -  These settings describe both email defaults when various types of emails get sent from XDOC (from notifications, quick messaging, etc), and the email templates to use. 



Email Sender Identity  Value
Notification Sender Email Email address that appears in the [from] field of notification emails
Notification Sender Name Name that appears in the [from] field in notification emails
Delivery Sender Email Email address that appears in the [from] field in douments sent by email
Delivery Sender Name Name that appears in the [from] field in douments sent by email
Quick Msg Sender Email Email address that appears in the [from] field in douments sent by Quick Message feature
Quick Msg Sender Name Name that appears in the [from] field in messages sent by the Quick Message feature
Notification Templates Value
Document Arrival Template used for anything arriving into the Viewer
File Received Template used for anything coming into the File Room (not the Viewer)
Fax Received Available only for Fax integration.