Release Notes - 6142

Release Notes for XDOC 6142

NOTE: All XDOC servers must have outbound port 443 open to allow communication with Axacore's licensing verification server





Enhancement Conditions Management Added the ability to associate an LOS condition to an XDOC document.  Users who have the appropriate permissions can view, add, and remove an LOS conditions from a document.  User interfaces for this functionality can be seen in the Viewer, Upload screen, and in any File Catalog screen (print client, file room, split/merge)

Enhancement Conditions Management

Added three permissions related to conditions management.  They are:

  • XCONDITIONVIEW - Allows users to view conditions

  • XCONDITIONASSIGN - Allows users to assign a condition to a document

  • XCONDITIONUNASSIGN - Allows users to unassign a condition from a document

All assigning and unassigning of conditions to documents sends a push notification that can be used for LOS development to syn conditions information between the LOS and XDOC 

Enhancement  API - Conditions Management

Added the following XDOC API methods in support of conditions management:

  • Condition.Add -  Adds an LOS condition to a loan in XDOC

  • Condition.Update - Updates the properties of a condition of a loan in XDOC

  • Condition.Delete - Removes an LOS condition from a loan in XDOC

  • Document.AddXml - Adds a document to a loan in XDOC that has multiple conditions, or adds multiple docs to one condition

  • Condition.Assign - Assigns an LOS condition to a document in XDOC

  • Condition.Unassign - Unassigns an LOS condition from a document in XDOC

  • Container.Conditions- Retrieves a list of LOS conditions for a loan
Enhancement API - Updated Method Updated the Document.Add API method with the ability to assign an LOS condition to the document.  This method only allows you to assign one condition to one document.  For multiple conditions/documents, see the new Document.AddXml method
Enhancement API - Bundling

Added the following new API methods in support of budling:

  • Container.BundleSchedule - Schedules (invokes) a bundle profile against a loan in the LOS

  • Container.BundleStatus - Gets back a delivery status of a scheduled bundle
  • PROJECT.BundleProfileList - Gets back a list of bundle profiles.  You can use this to choose the profile to run in an external application
Enhancement Bundling

Added new Bundle Templates for XDOC to support MI Companies:

  • Essent
  • Enact (Genworth)
  • Radian
Enhancement Bundling

Added new tokenated values for bundles.  These values pull directly from the LOS, adding more flexibility. These new values can be found in the new MI Bundle Templates.  They are: 

  • Borrower SSN (no dashes) - $$CONTAINER.borrowerSSN$$
  • Co-borrower SSN (no dashes) - $$CONTAINER.borrower2SSN$$
  • Borrower SSN  (with dashes) - $$CONTAINER.borrowerSSNdash$$
  • Co-borrower SSN (with dashes) - $$CONTAINER.borrower2SSNdash$$
  • Borrower First and Last Name - $$CONTAINER.borrowerName$$
  • Co-borrower First and Last Name - $$CONTAINER.borrower2Name$$
  • MI Certificate Number - $$CONTAINER.miCertificateNumber$$

    NOTE: These values were added automatically for Constellation's NOVA LOS only. However, any LOS provider can add these fields by adding them to their XDOC integration file.  
Bug Fix Viewer

Fixed an issue where a user could not delete an old version of a versioned document.