S2. Event Endpoint Configuration

Enabling Document Events and configuring the HTTP Service Endpoints is done at the Project Level, under the Project Admin > Project Settings > Integration Settings page.

The following configuration options are available for each event configuration:

Option Description Sample Value
enable notifications Enable notifications to the URL endpoint. Yes
provider type Supported notification type. Currently only Web Service (Http Simple Service) Web Service
other provider class Custom class implementing XDOC workflow interface: IWorkUnitProcessorProxy. For custom implementations developed by Axacore Professional Services.
provider profile Allows specification of advanced HTTP Web Request connection properties via the XDOC axSystemConfig.xml file. Generally not used.
provider address URL Endpoint of the Http Service. Either fully qualified (http, https), or website relative path if the URL endpoint resides underneath the XDOC website. /zapp/webservice/yourEndpoint.ashx?yourSecurity=1234
provider method Specific to the Endpoint being invoked. Appended to the provider address via query string parameter: MethodAdd Add
execution scope Specific to the Endpoint being invoked. Appended to the provider address via query string parameter: MethodScope